ExtJS 5.1 TabReorderer plugin
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在 ExtJS 5.1 中使用 tabpanel,要求每个 tab 可以拖动,顺序可以改变。tabpanel 默认是不支持的,不过可以加上一个 plugin - Ext.ux.TabReorderer。在 ExtJS官网(http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/5.1/5.1.0-apidocs/)搜索 TabReorderer 可以查看其源码,发现其继承自 Ext.ux.BoxReorderer, 把两个源码 js 都放到项目中去。见附录。


先把把'Ext.ux.TabReorderer' require 进来,在创建 tabpanel 的时候 加上 plugins: Ext.create('Ext.ux.TabReorderer'), 

1 Ext.define('MyApp.view.CenterTabs', { 2         extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel', 3         plugins: Ext.create('Ext.ux.TabReorderer'), 4         items: [{ 5             xtype: 'panel', 6             title: 'Tab 1', 7             html : 'Test 1', 8             closable: true 9         }, {10             xtype: 'panel',11             title: 'Tab 2',12             html : 'Test 2',13             closable: true14         },{15             xtype: 'panel',16             title: 'Tab 3',17             html : 'Test 3',18             closable: true19         },{20             xtype: 'panel',21             title: 'Tab 4',22             html : 'Test 4',23             closable: true24         }]25     });


  • https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?211867-Using-TabReorderer-as-a-plugin
  • http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/5.1/5.1.0-apidocs/source/TabReorderer.html#Ext-ux-TabReorderer
  • http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/5.1/5.1.0-apidocs/source/BoxReorderer.html#Ext-ux-BoxReorderer


/** * Base class from Ext.ux.TabReorderer. */Ext.define('Ext.ux.BoxReorderer', {    requires: [        'Ext.dd.DD'    ],    mixins: {        observable: 'Ext.util.Observable'    },    /**     * @cfg {String} itemSelector     * A {@link Ext.DomQuery DomQuery} selector which identifies the encapsulating elements of child     * Components which participate in reordering.     */    itemSelector: '.x-box-item',    /**     * @cfg {Mixed} animate     * If truthy, child reordering is animated so that moved boxes slide smoothly into position.     * If this option is numeric, it is used as the animation duration in milliseconds.     */    animate: 100,    /**     * @event StartDrag     * Fires when dragging of a child Component begins.     * @param {Ext.ux.BoxReorderer} this     * @param {Ext.container.Container} container The owning Container     * @param {Ext.Component} dragCmp The Component being dragged     * @param {Number} idx The start index of the Component being dragged.     */    /**     * @event Drag     * Fires during dragging of a child Component.     * @param {Ext.ux.BoxReorderer} this     * @param {Ext.container.Container} container The owning Container     * @param {Ext.Component} dragCmp The Component being dragged     * @param {Number} startIdx The index position from which the Component was initially dragged.     * @param {Number} idx The current closest index to which the Component would drop.     */    /**     * @event ChangeIndex     * Fires when dragging of a child Component causes its drop index to change.     * @param {Ext.ux.BoxReorderer} this     * @param {Ext.container.Container} container The owning Container     * @param {Ext.Component} dragCmp The Component being dragged     * @param {Number} startIdx The index position from which the Component was initially dragged.     * @param {Number} idx The current closest index to which the Component would drop.     */    /**     * @event Drop     * Fires when a child Component is dropped at a new index position.     * @param {Ext.ux.BoxReorderer} this     * @param {Ext.container.Container} container The owning Container     * @param {Ext.Component} dragCmp The Component being dropped     * @param {Number} startIdx The index position from which the Component was initially dragged.     * @param {Number} idx The index at which the Component is being dropped.     */    constructor: function() {        this.mixins.observable.constructor.apply(this, arguments);    },    init: function(container) {        var me = this;        me.container = container;        // Set our animatePolicy to animate the start position (ie x for HBox, y for VBox)        me.animatePolicy = {};        me.animatePolicy[container.getLayout().names.x] = true;        // Initialize the DD on first layout, when the innerCt has been created.        me.container.on({            scope: me,            boxready: me.onBoxReady,            beforedestroy: me.onContainerDestroy        });    },    /**     * @private Clear up on Container destroy     */    onContainerDestroy: function() {        var dd = this.dd;        if (dd) {            dd.unreg();            this.dd = null;        }    },    onBoxReady: function() {        var me = this,            layout = me.container.getLayout(),            names = layout.names,            dd;        // Create a DD instance. Poke the handlers in.        // TODO: Ext5's DD classes should apply config to themselves.        // TODO: Ext5's DD classes should not use init internally because it collides with use as a plugin        // TODO: Ext5's DD classes should be Observable.        // TODO: When all the above are trus, this plugin should extend the DD class.        dd = me.dd = new Ext.dd.DD(layout.innerCt, me.container.id + '-reorderer');        Ext.apply(dd, {            animate: me.animate,            reorderer: me,            container: me.container,            getDragCmp: me.getDragCmp,            clickValidator: Ext.Function.createInterceptor(dd.clickValidator, me.clickValidator, me, false),            onMouseDown: me.onMouseDown,            startDrag: me.startDrag,            onDrag: me.onDrag,            endDrag: me.endDrag,            getNewIndex: me.getNewIndex,            doSwap: me.doSwap,            findReorderable: me.findReorderable        });        // Decide which dimension we are measuring, and which measurement metric defines        // the *start* of the box depending upon orientation.        dd.dim = names.width;        dd.startAttr = names.beforeX;        dd.endAttr = names.afterX;    },    getDragCmp: function(e) {        return this.container.getChildByElement(e.getTarget(this.itemSelector, 10));    },    // check if the clicked component is reorderable    clickValidator: function(e) {        var cmp = this.getDragCmp(e);        // If cmp is null, this expression MUST be coerced to boolean so that createInterceptor is able to test it against false        return !!(cmp && cmp.reorderable !== false);    },    onMouseDown: function(e) {        var me = this,            container = me.container,            containerBox,            cmpEl,            cmpBox;        // Ascertain which child Component is being mousedowned        me.dragCmp = me.getDragCmp(e);        if (me.dragCmp) {            cmpEl = me.dragCmp.getEl();            me.startIndex = me.curIndex = container.items.indexOf(me.dragCmp);            // Start position of dragged Component            cmpBox = cmpEl.getBox();            // Last tracked start position            me.lastPos = cmpBox[me.startAttr];            // Calculate constraints depending upon orientation            // Calculate offset from mouse to dragEl position            containerBox = container.el.getBox();            if (me.dim === 'width') {                me.minX = containerBox.left;                me.maxX = containerBox.right - cmpBox.width;                me.minY = me.maxY = cmpBox.top;                me.deltaX = e.getX() - cmpBox.left;            } else {                me.minY = containerBox.top;                me.maxY = containerBox.bottom - cmpBox.height;                me.minX = me.maxX = cmpBox.left;                me.deltaY = e.getY() - cmpBox.top;            }            me.constrainY = me.constrainX = true;        }    },    startDrag: function() {        var me = this,            dragCmp = me.dragCmp;        if (dragCmp) {            // For the entire duration of dragging the *Element*, defeat any positioning and animation of the dragged *Component*            dragCmp.setPosition = Ext.emptyFn;            dragCmp.animate = false;            // Animate the BoxLayout just for the duration of the drag operation.            if (me.animate) {                me.container.getLayout().animatePolicy = me.reorderer.animatePolicy;            }            // We drag the Component element            me.dragElId = dragCmp.getEl().id;            me.reorderer.fireEvent('StartDrag', me, me.container, dragCmp, me.curIndex);            // Suspend events, and set the disabled flag so that the mousedown and mouseup events            // that are going to take place do not cause any other UI interaction.            dragCmp.suspendEvents();            dragCmp.disabled = true;            dragCmp.el.setStyle('zIndex', 100);        } else {            me.dragElId = null;        }    },    /**     * @private     * Find next or previous reorderable component index.     * @param {Number} newIndex The initial drop index.     * @return {Number} The index of the reorderable component.     */    findReorderable: function(newIndex) {        var me = this,            items = me.container.items,            newItem;        if (items.getAt(newIndex).reorderable === false) {            newItem = items.getAt(newIndex);            if (newIndex > me.startIndex) {                 while(newItem && newItem.reorderable === false) {                    newIndex++;                    newItem = items.getAt(newIndex);                }            } else {                while(newItem && newItem.reorderable === false) {                    newIndex--;                    newItem = items.getAt(newIndex);                }            }        }        newIndex = Math.min(Math.max(newIndex, 0), items.getCount() - 1);        if (items.getAt(newIndex).reorderable === false) {            return -1;        }        return newIndex;    },    /**     * @private     * Swap 2 components.     * @param {Number} newIndex The initial drop index.     */    doSwap: function(newIndex) {        var me = this,            items = me.container.items,            container = me.container,            wasRoot = me.container._isLayoutRoot,            orig, dest, tmpIndex;        newIndex = me.findReorderable(newIndex);        if (newIndex === -1) {            return;        }        me.reorderer.fireEvent('ChangeIndex', me, container, me.dragCmp, me.startIndex, newIndex);        orig = items.getAt(me.curIndex);        dest = items.getAt(newIndex);        items.remove(orig);        tmpIndex = Math.min(Math.max(newIndex, 0), items.getCount() - 1);        items.insert(tmpIndex, orig);        items.remove(dest);        items.insert(me.curIndex, dest);        // Make the Box Container the topmost layout participant during the layout.        container._isLayoutRoot = true;        container.updateLayout();        container._isLayoutRoot = wasRoot;        me.curIndex = newIndex;    },    onDrag: function(e) {        var me = this,            newIndex;        newIndex = me.getNewIndex(e.getPoint());        if ((newIndex !== undefined)) {            me.reorderer.fireEvent('Drag', me, me.container, me.dragCmp, me.startIndex, me.curIndex);            me.doSwap(newIndex);        }    },    endDrag: function(e) {        if (e) {            e.stopEvent();        }        var me = this,            layout = me.container.getLayout(),            temp;        if (me.dragCmp) {            delete me.dragElId;            // Reinstate the Component's positioning method after mouseup, and allow the layout system to animate it.            delete me.dragCmp.setPosition;            me.dragCmp.animate = true;            // Ensure the lastBox is correct for the animation system to restore to when it creates the "from" animation frame            me.dragCmp.lastBox[layout.names.x] = me.dragCmp.getPosition(true)[layout.names.widthIndex];            // Make the Box Container the topmost layout participant during the layout.            me.container._isLayoutRoot = true;            me.container.updateLayout();            me.container._isLayoutRoot = undefined;            // Attempt to hook into the afteranimate event of the drag Component to call the cleanup            temp = Ext.fx.Manager.getFxQueue(me.dragCmp.el.id)[0];            if (temp) {                temp.on({                    afteranimate: me.reorderer.afterBoxReflow,                    scope: me                });            }            // If not animated, clean up after the mouseup has happened so that we don't click the thing being dragged            else {                Ext.Function.defer(me.reorderer.afterBoxReflow, 1, me);            }            if (me.animate) {                delete layout.animatePolicy;            }            me.reorderer.fireEvent('drop', me, me.container, me.dragCmp, me.startIndex, me.curIndex);        }    },    /**     * @private     * Called after the boxes have been reflowed after the drop.     * Re-enabled the dragged Component.     */    afterBoxReflow: function() {        var me = this;        me.dragCmp.el.setStyle('zIndex', '');        me.dragCmp.disabled = false;        me.dragCmp.resumeEvents();    },    /**     * @private     * Calculate drop index based upon the dragEl's position.     */    getNewIndex: function(pointerPos) {        var me = this,            dragEl = me.getDragEl(),            dragBox = Ext.fly(dragEl).getBox(),            targetEl,            targetBox,            targetMidpoint,            i = 0,            it = me.container.items.items,            ln = it.length,            lastPos = me.lastPos;        me.lastPos = dragBox[me.startAttr];        for (; i < ln; i++) {            targetEl = it[i].getEl();            // Only look for a drop point if this found item is an item according to our selector            if (targetEl.is(me.reorderer.itemSelector)) {                targetBox = targetEl.getBox();                targetMidpoint = targetBox[me.startAttr] + (targetBox[me.dim] >> 1);                if (i < me.curIndex) {                    if ((dragBox[me.startAttr] < lastPos) && (dragBox[me.startAttr] < (targetMidpoint - 5))) {                        return i;                    }                } else if (i > me.curIndex) {                    if ((dragBox[me.startAttr] > lastPos) && (dragBox[me.endAttr] > (targetMidpoint + 5))) {                        return i;                    }                }            }        }    }});


/** * This plugin allow you to reorder tabs of a TabPanel. */Ext.define('Ext.ux.TabReorderer', {    extend: 'Ext.ux.BoxReorderer',    alias: 'plugin.tabreorderer',    itemSelector: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab',    init: function(tabPanel) {        var me = this;                me.callParent([tabPanel.getTabBar()]);        // Ensure reorderable property is copied into dynamically added tabs        tabPanel.onAdd = Ext.Function.createSequence(tabPanel.onAdd, me.onAdd);    },    onBoxReady: function() {        var tabs,            len,            i = 0,            tab;        this.callParent(arguments);        // Copy reorderable property from card into tab        for (tabs = this.container.items.items, len = tabs.length; i < len; i++) {            tab = tabs[i];            if (tab.card) {                tab.reorderable = tab.card.reorderable;            }        }    },    onAdd: function(card, index) {        card.tab.reorderable = card.reorderable;    },    afterBoxReflow: function() {        var me = this;        // Cannot use callParent, this is not called in the scope of this plugin, but that of its Ext.dd.DD object        Ext.ux.BoxReorderer.prototype.afterBoxReflow.apply(me, arguments);        // Move the associated card to match the tab order        if (me.dragCmp) {            me.container.tabPanel.setActiveTab(me.dragCmp.card);            me.container.tabPanel.move(me.startIndex, me.curIndex);        }    }});



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